
Baptisia tinctoria
Baptisia tinctoria

baptisia tinctoria
  1. Baptisia tinctoria skin#
  2. Baptisia tinctoria plus#
baptisia tinctoria

Yellow Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria) is also rare in natural areas of the state, occurring in sand prairies and sandy savannas in Kankakee County. The RHS Gardener's Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd. Baptisia bracteata Bean family (Fabaceae) Description. The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants Dorling Kindersley.

Baptisia tinctoria plus#

RHS Dictionary of Plants plus Supplement.

baptisia tinctoria

Koeltz Scientific Books ISBN 3874292169 () Tanaka's Cyclopaedia of Edible Plants of the World. This has a limited range of action, but is used especially in the treatment of certain types of flu. The fresh root, including the bark, is used to make a homeopathic medicine. When used as a mouth wash or gargle the decoction treats mouth ulcers, gum infections and sore throats.

Baptisia tinctoria skin#

A decoction of the root soothes sore or infected nipples and infected skin conditions. Wild indigo is frequently prescribed, along with Echinacea, in the treatment of chronic viral infections or chronic fatigue syndrome. The plants antimicrobial and immune-stimulant properties combat lymphatic problems, when used with detoxifying herbs such as Arctium lappa it helps to reduce enlarged lymph nodes. The infusion is used in the treatment of upper respiratory infections such as tonsillitis and pharyngitis, and is also valuable in treating infections of the chest, gastro-intestinal tract and skin. The fresh root is also considered to be antiseptic, astringent and laxative. Ī tea made from the roots is cholagogue, emetic, febrifuge and purgative. Caution is advised in the internal use of this plant, large or frequent doses are potentially harmful. Modern research has shown that this acrid bitter herb stimulates the immune system and is particularly effective against bacterial infections. American Indians, a decoction of the roots being used as an antiseptic wash for wounds and skin complaints. Hart, K.Wild indigo was a favourite medicine of the N. Native TN KY (State Rank) G5 (Global Rank)ĭ. Armaments: No Milky Sap: No Photosynthetic: Yes Stipules: Yes Woody Herbaceous: Herbaceous Natural Area Presence: BISO Natural Area Presence: GRSM Natural Area Presence: ObedWSR Natural Area Presence: SGSNA Duration: Perennial General Ecology: Terrestrial Growth Habit: forb Moisture Requirements: Xeric Moisture Requirements: Sub-xeric Moisture Requirements: Dry-mesic Moisture Requirements: Mesic Region of Origin: North America Reproductive Phenology: April Reproductive Phenology: May Reproductive Phenology: June Leaf Arrangement: alternate Leaf Complexity: compound Leaf Dissection: 1 Leaf Fragrance: No Leaf Persistance: Deciduous Leaf Petiole Type: petiolate Leaf Type: broadleaf Leaf Venation: ternate Leaflet Margins: entire Leaflet Number: 3 Base Flower Color: Yellow Carpel Number/Pistil: 1 Fruit Complexity: Simple Fruit Dehiscence: Yes Fruit Type: Legume Fruit Wet/Dry: Dry Hypanthium Present: Yes Ovary Position: Superior Overall Flower Symmetry: Zygomorphic Perianth Present: Yes Petal Number: 5 Pistil Complexity: Simple Pistil Number: 1 Placentation Type: Parietal Sepal Number: 4 Sepal Number: 5 Sexuality: monoclinous Sporangium Arrangement: N/A Stamen Number: 10

Baptisia tinctoria